
Gaelic Singing CDs stockist The Old School Beauly
Gaelic Singing CDs stockist The Old School Beauly

Gaelic Singing CDs

79 products

Showing 1 - 48 of 79 products

Showing 1 - 48 of 79 products
Alyth McCormack - An Iomall - The Edge VERTCD054
Alyth McCormack - People Like Me NAVIGATOR33
Alyth McCormack and Triona Marshall - Red Gold Anecd102
Angus MacLeod Slat A Coille SKYECD59 CD front
Angus MacLeod - Slat A Coille
Sale price£13.99
Arthur Cormack - Buanas CD
Arthur Cormack - Buanas
Sale price£13.99
Arthur Cormack - Nuair Bha Mi Og CD COMD2016
Bannal Bho Dhorn Gu Dorn SKYECD32 CD front
Bannal - Bho Dhorn Gu Dorn
Sale price£12.95
Blair Douglas - Beneath The Beret SKYECD02 CD front
Blair Douglas Dancing Feet SKYECD62 CD frontBlair Douglas Dancing Feet SKYECD62 CD track list
Blair Douglas - Dancing Feet
Sale price£13.99
Blair Douglas - Leanaidh Mi (I Will Follow) SKYECD54 CD front
Bodega - Bodega
Bodega - Bodega
Sale price£11.99
Brian O hEadhra - An t-Allt
Brian O hEadhra - An t-Allt
Sale price£11.99
Calum Ross Mu Dheireadh Thall At Long Last SKYECD46 CD front
Cameron MacKichan & Archie MacTaggart Himself & Myself SHIELCD014 CD front
Canntaireachd - Canntaireachd CANNCD01
Canntaireachd - Canntaireachd
Sale price£11.99
Capercaillie - At The Heart Of It All - CD cover frontCapercaillie - At The Heart Of It All - CD cover back
Capercaillie - Grace & Pride CD cover frontCapercaillie - Grace & Pride CD cover back
Capercaillie - Grace & Pride
Sale price£14.99
Catherine-Ann MacPhee - Canan Nan Gaidheal CDTRAX009
Catherine-Ann MacPhee - Chi Mi'n Geamhradh
Catherine-Ann MacPhee - Suil Air Ais (Looking Back) CDTRAX258
Celtic Women From Scotland CDGMP8012 ront
Celtic Women From Scotland
Sale price£8.99
Christine Primrose - 'S Tu Nam Chuimhne COMD2024
Cliar Grinn Grinn SKYECD40 CD front
Cliar - Grinn Grinn
Sale price£12.95
Cliar Traditional and Contemporary Gaelic Song SKYECD14 CD front
Colm Sands & Maggie MacInnes - The Seedboat SCD1061
Daimh - Diversions CDTRAX343 front
Daimh - Diversions
Sale price£11.99
Dingwall Gaelic Choir - Going Home: Scottish Music CDDingwall Gaelic Choir - Going Home CD booklet back
Dochas An Darna Umhail The Second Glance SKYECD34 CD front
Donnie Munro - Live: An Turas CDTRAX323
Donnie Munro - Live: An Turas
Sale price£11.99
Donnie Murdo MacLeod Sguab Is Dloth SKYECD13 front
Eilidh Mackenzie Bel Canto SKYECD52 CD front
Eilidh Mackenzie - Bel Canto
Sale price£12.95
Fiona J Mackenzie - Archipelago CDTRAX368 front
Fiona J Mackenzie - Deagh Dheis Aodaich CDTRAX339 front
Fiona J MacKenzie - Tac' An Teine The Fireside CDTRAX416 CD front
Fiona MacKenzie - Duan Nollaig: A Gaelic Christmas CDTRAX320D
Flora MacNeil - Orain Floraidh COMD2081 front
Gaelic Psalms From Lewis CDTRAX9006 front
Gaelic Psalms From Lewis
Sale price£11.99
Gaelic Women - Ar Canan's Ar Ceol CDTRAX172
Gillebride MacMillan - Thogainn Ort Fonn CD SKYECD42
Gillibride MacMillan Freumhan Falaichte Hidden Roots DEALAS002 CD frontGillibride MacMillan as the Bard in Outlander
Graham Neilson - New Boat Old Rocks GRENCK01
Highlands & Islands Volume 1 Loch Shiel Wcmcd025 front cover
Iain MacKay Creag An Fhraoich SKYECD35 CD front
Iain MacKay Seoladh SKYECD07 CD front
Iain MacKay - Seoladh
Sale price£12.99
Ishbel MacAskill - Sioda CD SKYECD06
Ishbel MacAskill - Sioda
Sale price£11.95
James Campbell Of Kintail Gaelic Songs CDTRAX9008 CD front
Jenna Cumming Kintulavig SKYECD36 front
Jenna Cumming - Kintulavig
Sale price£13.99
Jim Wilkie Largo CD CDRS001 front
Jim Wilkie - Largo
Sale price£11.95

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