Ishbel MacAskill - Sioda

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Ishbel MacAskill was widely regarded as one of the best female singers in Scotland - in any language. This album shows Ishbel at her best with her warm, natural, emotive style.  Whether unaccompanied, or ably backed by some of Scotland's finest musicians, Ishbel's voice shines through and what a voice it is!

"Ishbel MacAskill is as real & as fine a singer as you could wish to hear". The Living Tradition Magazine.

This An Smeorach As t-Earrach; Chi Mi'n Toman; Aignis; Tha Mo Spiorad Cianail; Bha Mi latha Samhraidh An Steornabhagh; 'S Daor A Cheannaich Mi'n t'Iasgach; Ho Ro Chan Eil Cadal Orm; Gradh Geal Mo Chridh'; Gur Muladach Sgith Mi; Braigh Loch Iall; Oran Na Maighdinn-mhara.

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