Perthshire's Pete Clark is one of the best fiddle players and composers in Scotland. On "Now & Then: Fiddle Music From Scotland" Pete presents twenty-two of his own superb tunes, plus a few by Gow, Skinner and Marshall. The playing is gently orchestrated, with a host of talented accompanists, emphasising the clarity of the fiddle and the brilliance of the tunes.
"Pete Clark is one of Scotland's largely unsung fiddle masters whose latest album is in danger of being swept aside in the stampede of talented young musicians to the marketplace. Going against the trend for fast tunes played hell for leather, Clark has composed and chosen… a programme of mostly slower tempos, each tune and every phrase played with care, precision and a lovely rich tone. The settings range from fiddle and piano to synthesiser washes, but it's all done with taste and discretion to let the fiddle sing out with expression." Rob Adams, The Herald.
"There is something very special about this CD, which is difficult to describe. Pete's sensitive playing style, his lovely sounding fiddle, his ability to make the fiddle sing and the sympathetic backing from the other musicians all adds up to a most enjoyable album, which is truly magical." The Box & Fiddle.
Lament For Andrew & Danny; Major Graham Of Inchbrakie; Mrs Irene Mathieson; Maxine Moy Of Middleton; Farewell To The Piper; Neil MacVarish Of Bracara; Mrs Major L Stewart Of The Island Of Java; Theresa MacVarish; Professor Blackie; Alec Barbour Of Bonskeid; The Weeping Birches Of Kilmorack; Thomson Island; Bovaglie's Plaid; Voice On The Airwaves; The Editor's Hornpipe; Kinnordy; The Slippery Slope.
If you like fiddle music you can check out our Scottish Fiddle CD collection and you may also find them used in lots of Scottish Country Dance CDs, or Scottish Ceilidh Dance CDs.
Scots music, traditional music, fiddling music.