I am 10 years old and was asked to pick my top twelve awesome activities from the Kid’s Room at The Old School Beauly. I know the Room very well because I used to tidy it up at the weekend!

Skipping ropes are awesome because you can skip inside if it’s raining but you can also do a skip-run to the end of the road and back if the weather is nice. There are lots of different types of skipping rope handles you can choose from. I really like the one with daisies on it because Daisy is the name of one of my best friends. This week my family and I tried out the extra long skipping rope that can be used by 3 to 5 people. Mum says it reminds her of when she was at school which must have been DECADES ago. Ha Ha!
FLOWER PRESS A flower press is a bit old fashioned but it is a great thing to do over the course of a few days. I have one of these at my Grannie’s house. You can even use the pressed flowers to make a picture or a greetings card. I once pressed some PEA PODS. We have a small flower press and a really big one in the shop depending on how much you want to press.

Become a Spy! You can actually become a spy for the day by using these clever gadgets. When our shop is open these are really popular! The mirrored glasses let you spy on what is BEHIND you. There is also a Super Secret Spy invisible ink pen which is good for writing secret notes especially if you do not want your sister to find out your biggest secrets. Here’s my tip to be super invincible - don’t use a black piece of paper or the writing will be visible without you shining the light on it!

Modelling Clay - This is extremely good if you are stuck inside and need to show off your mad skills. The carton in this photo contains enough to make at least 8 to 10 well sized creatures for your friends or even a village. It is really easy to bend and shape and you can shape it into whatever you want and then re-shape it again and again. It contains enough colours to make a proper rainbow AND it contains black and brown. I have had mine for about two years now.

Kites - There are lots of kites in our shop. I have the small butterfly kite and it really works like a dream and comes in different styles and colours. My one is red. There is a handy miniature pocket kite which even has its own little bag. If you are into birds, you might like the Falcon kite which is quite big. I don’t really know much about the Dragon kite but I do know it is the biggest one in the shop and my Dad would like to fly it. It is GIGANTIC! I will get back to you when I have actually flown it, unless it takes me with it because I don’t weigh very much.

The Adventurer’s Kit - There are lots of really useful gadgets in this amazing range! It is definitely worth looking into if you want to get outside and explore, even if it is just in your garden. It is also really good if you want to go camping in your garden. My favourite item is the set of binoculars because I can spy on my Mum when she is hanging out the washing!!!!! This annoys her, especially if she has her dressing gown on.

Paper Planes - This is a really cool set! Each packet includes 9 different designs which you make up into a different type of plane. They are quite easy to make and they do fly really well. Take care not to hit your big sister by mistake especially if she is grumpy!!! We have lots of paper helicopter and plane sets in the shop for some reason. I think my Mum thought she was going to be a pilot before she became a lawyer. That was before she became a Retail Goddess, as she tells us all the time. Ha Ha!
Funny Faces - This is a hilarious game where you create silly faces with the magnetic hats, funny glasses and extremely funny moustaches. I know it is supposed to be for quite young children but it just makes me laugh! It is extremely funny if you make a face look like someone you know and ask your Mum to send a photo of it to them. Ha ha!

3 D Wooden Puzzles - These puzzles actually keep you busy for hours and hours. There is a gorilla, an Apatosaurus that looks like Nessie and a wise old owl. My favourite is the owl because I have three snuggly toy owls called HooHoo, Granny Owl and Archimedes. You and your family can create them together if you like.

Labyrinth - This is a wooden board game that you can play on your own or with your family. It is quite a large game so you need some space. You have to roll the ball through the maze to win so you need to practise a lot to become an expert at it. When you get better, you will be able to guide the steel marble through to the end. It is very good fun and you can get quite addicted!

Suitcase Sets - These are good if you like to be organised because each contains an interesting thing that you can make and then you get a nice suitcase to keep things in! My favourite is the Stationery Set because I like writing letters and it’s extra nice if you add some of the stickers. The Felt Bag Set is helpful if you want to make a little bag and purse. The bag is in the shape of a plumpy looking fox and the purse is shaped like an acorn which is quite cool. There is also a Wooden Jewellery making set if you like making jewellery.
Wooden Wool Loom and Wooden Bead Bracelet Loom - I have not actually tried these yet but I really want to because I like making things and I like to see how they are actually made. I think the wool loom looks quite challenging because you are actually making a real garment! I see that it comes with wool and instruction which I would definitely need!
Well, those are my TWELVE top favourite activities for now from the shop. If you think they are good and your Mum, Dad, Grannie or Grandpa orders some of them on our website I promise I will write another Blog soon!
I really hope you are keeping well and safe and doing little jobs for your parents around the house.
Lots of best wishes to you.
1 comment
Catriona Barr
Cool! 🙂😂😃😀😄😁😆☺️ I would try any of these! Nice blog, Lily. Hope you’re doing ok!!! Bye from Catriona hehe