Philip Paris - Last Witch Of Scotland

Format: Paperback
Sale price£9.99


Our good friend Philip Paris has written several books previously including the hugely popular novel "The Italian Chapel" which has been one of our best selling books.

This new novel is based on the incredible story of the last "witch" to be executed for witchcraft in Britain.

"Compelling, evocative, heart-wrenching and beautifully written. Highly recommended." Fiona Valpy, author of The Storyteller of Casablanca.

Paperback 352 pages. Approx: 12.7 x 19.7 cm.

Hardback 352 pages. Approx: 16.4 x 24.2 cm.

Other books from Philip include the hilarious "Casting Off", and the local romantic war-time historical novel "Effie's War".

See more books from Philip Paris or other local authors.

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