Here are our top tips for satisfying your wanderlust between trips because, even for the most regular and intrepid travellers, sometimes you just have to stay put.
1. Use your time constructively to research your next trip by reading about the country, the terrain and the culture.
The more knowledgeable you are in advance, be that with respect to the language, the people or the history, the more you will be able to understand and take from your travels. We always have a great range of travel and outdoors books in our Book & Stationery Room and are happy to take a call and give advice.
2. Get Your Travel Wardrobe Sorted.
There’s nothing more helpful than having a small but well curated travel wardrobe which can be easily packed and which wears well. Given that we are often charged extra for luggage, it makes a lot of sense to take a bit of time and to invest in pieces which are multi functional, that wash well and that do not crease easily. Two Danes Clothing is perfect for travel because the fibers are 100% natural. Part Two Clothing also specialises in a light and chic summer travel wardrobe. Always ensure you have UVA/UVB protection sunglasses in your travel kit too because the sun can damage the skin on the eyes and this is something that we all to often overlook.

3. Start Up Your Own Travel Blog.
If you truly have travelled, you’ll have a wealth of experiences and knowledge and it can be very rewarding to share that with others. Start putting your experiences down on paper and release your inner travel writer! Invest in a beautiful notebook and pen and enjoy the experience of reliving and revisiting (mentally at least!) your travel experiences. If you can, convert those cherished memories and experiences into an online blog which can be shared with others. Or, if you are up to the challenge, convert your experiences and travel tips into a travel book.