Burns' Night is on 25th January and this year we are determined to celebrate it in true Highland style. Read on for your essential guide to Burns' Night celebrations from those in the know!
I can tell you, it's not just about the salty and spicy haggis; there's a whole lot more to be considered. In addition to the famous haggis which has been duly captured on the Hill, then cured for our delectation, it's imperative that you pay attention to Burns appropriate music. If, like us, you are avid Scottish Country Dancers, we can recommend the beautifully crafted music of Marian Anderson and her Scottish Country Dance Band.This is an exquisitely crafted album which showcases the very best of Robert Burns' songs. Dear readers, when I listen to Marian's magic music, I feel the urge to immediately break into a Strathspey, followed by a joyous Reel, then a rather over the top sweaty Jig. It's hardly any wonder I need so many dance dresses.
For those of you who are not into pointing one's toes but prefer the full on wild fun of a debauched ceilidh, we can recommend Eddi Reader's The Songs of Robert Burns. Truly, this is Burns re-instated, and just as he'd want to be - out in the mainstream, full-frontal, & laid back in the arms of a woman who obviously delights in taking a few lingual liberties! Richly sensual strings, throbbing guitars and breathy vocals. Yes, just let rip guys and you'll know the Bard is truly with you.

Of course, when one does raise a glass (or three) to the Bard, it's essential that one does so in true Scottish style. So, this year our tipple will be served in beautifully engraved whisky tumblers from Art Pewter, a fantastic Scottish Company. You can check out our selection of Burns appropriate Whisky tumblers here, safe in the knowledge that we have personally tested these beauties.

Once the quaffing, birling and general debauched merriment settles down, I always think it would be nice to have a memento from Burns celebrations - something which will endure and not merely result in a sore head and throbbing feet. This year I have two top notch suggestions, both of which I shall be reminding my darling husband of on a rather annoyingly regular basis. Firstly, I highly recommend this lovely hand made plate from Highland Stoneware, featuring hand lettering of the famous line from the Robert Burns poem of the same name. We always have masses of these beauties in store and ship them worldwide. Each piece is hand painted in the Highlands of Scotland by our clever and talented chums over at Highland Stoneware.
Last but not least, we simply adore the beautiful range of Scottish jewellery by I Love a Lassie, based in Edinburgh. I think that each of these pieces evokes aspects of The Bard and would be a wee reminder of his wit, romanticism and eloquence, year round. After all, Mr Burns was very keen to please the ladies!
So folks, that's all for now. Wherever you are on 25th January, do enjoy yourself and we'll be sending our love to you from Bonnie Scotland! xx